Things to think about when choosing a demolition contractor

Date: 10/02/2024


Whether it’s a commercial or a residential building that needs demolishing, great care must be taken when demolishing the building. For example, which size excavator you plan on using, and also what demolition equipment is needed needs to be carefully considered.

It’s essential to have detailed, well-written method statements and risk assessments in place as well, this to plan the demolition works out, before demolition takes place. Whether it’s a house, factory or warehouse that’s being demolished, its important to write demolition method statements.


Have a look to see If the demolition contractor has undertaken similar demolition contracts:

There’s no point in hiring demolition contractor, that only has experience of demolishing houses, when it’s a large industrial factory that needs demolishing.

This type of demolition is entirely different; as a matter of fact, you need specialist demolition equipment, such as metal shears to cut through steel buildings. Therefore, you will need a demolition contractor that has experience demolishing this type of building.



Are you crushing the stone or taking it away?

It’s essential to carefully consider whether it would be best to crush the bricks, stone and rubble onto the demolition site.
To do this, often a demolition company will often use a “jaw crusher”.

Alternatively, you might use eight-wheeler lorries, for example, a Mercedes eight-wheeler lorries, to take the stone away?

The reason why it’s so important to consider whether you are crushing, or taking the stone away from the demolition site, is because if you’re taking the rubble away, this will burn a lot of extra diesel to do this.

For example, transporting 10, 8- wheeler loads and driving it some distance will burn a lot of diesel.
However, if the demolition company also has a good quality jaw crusher, or they can hire a crusher in to do the crushing and then you can crush the aggregates to the site.

This often means that a lot less diesel is consumed, which is obviously better for the environment.



Just as a highly experienced carpenter visualises how they will craft something out of wood, and plan how they will build something, well a highly experienced and knowledgeable demolition contractor, needs to plan there demolition work out as well.

The demolition company will need to write a method statement, this is to detail how they are going to demolish the building.

This should be written as a step by step guide for how they plan on safely demolishing the building.

Whether it be a hotel, factory or a house, a method statement needs to be written.

For example, it could be a front elevation of the building that’s particularly close to a very busy footpath.

Therefore, careful consideration will need to go into how to demolish the building in a way that causes minimal disruption to the general public, so that the building can be safely demolished.

Site managers

Whichever demolition company you hire in the U.K, whether it’s a company to demolish a power station, somebody to demolish an airport, or perhaps even a demolition company to demolish a huge range of metal factories, which might span multiple acres.

It’s essential to hire a company which has highly experienced demolition management.

We have some most highly experienced demolition managers, not just in Wales, but in the whole of the United Kingdom.

Some of our demolition managers now have 30 years of experience demolishing and decommissioning industrial, commercial, and residential buildings.

Therefore, to hire a highly competent and experienced demolition team, why not call us today?